Source code for graphframes.examples.belief_propagation

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import math

# Import subpackage examples here explicitly so that
# this module can be run directly with spark-submit.
import graphframes.examples
from graphframes import GraphFrame
from graphframes.lib import AggregateMessages as AM
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession, functions as sqlfunctions, types

__all__ = ['BeliefPropagation']

[docs]class BeliefPropagation(object): """Example code for Belief Propagation (BP) This provides a template for building customized BP algorithms for different types of graphical models. This example: * Ising model on a grid * Parallel Belief Propagation using colored fields Ising models are probabilistic graphical models over binary variables (see :meth:`Graphs.gridIsingModel()`). Belief Propagation (BP) provides marginal probabilities of the values of the variables x\ :sub:`i` i.e., P(x\ :sub:`i`) for each i. This allows a user to understand likely values of variables. See `Wikipedia <>`__ for more information on BP. We use a batch synchronous BP algorithm, where batches of vertices are updated synchronously. We follow the mean field update algorithm in Slide 13 of the `talk slides <>`__ from: Wainwright. "Graphical models, message-passing algorithms, and convex optimization." The batches are chosen according to a coloring. For background on graph colorings for inference, see for example: Gonzalez et al. "Parallel Gibbs Sampling: From Colored Fields to Thin Junction Trees." AISTATS, 2011. The BP algorithm works by: * Coloring the graph by assigning a color to each vertex such that no neighboring vertices share the same color. * In each step of BP, update all vertices of a single color. Alternate colors. """
[docs] @classmethod def runBPwithGraphFrames(cls, g, numIter): """Run Belief Propagation using GraphFrame. This implementation of BP shows how to use GraphFrame's aggregateMessages method. """ # choose colors for vertices for BP scheduling colorG = cls._colorGraph(g) numColors ='color').distinct().count() # TODO: handle vertices without any edges # initialize vertex beliefs at 0.0 gx = GraphFrame(colorG.vertices.withColumn('belief', sqlfunctions.lit(0.0)), colorG.edges) # run BP for numIter iterations for iter_ in range(numIter): # for each color, have that color receive messages from neighbors for color in range(numColors): # Send messages to vertices of the current color. # We may send to source or destination since edges are treated as undirected. msgForSrc = sqlfunctions.when( AM.src['color'] == color, AM.edge['b'] * AM.dst['belief']) msgForDst = sqlfunctions.when( AM.dst['color'] == color, AM.edge['b'] * AM.src['belief']) # numerically stable sigmoid logistic = sqlfunctions.udf(cls._sigmoid, returnType=types.DoubleType()) aggregates = gx.aggregateMessages( sqlfunctions.sum(AM.msg).alias("aggMess"), sendToSrc=msgForSrc, sendToDst=msgForDst) v = gx.vertices # receive messages and update beliefs for vertices of the current color newBeliefCol = sqlfunctions.when( (v['color'] == color) & (aggregates['aggMess'].isNotNull()), logistic(aggregates['aggMess'] + v['a']) ).otherwise(v['belief']) # keep old beliefs for other colors newVertices = (v .join(aggregates, on=(v['id'] == aggregates['id']), how='left_outer') .drop(aggregates['id']) # drop duplicate ID column (from outer join) .withColumn('newBelief', newBeliefCol) # compute new beliefs .drop('aggMess') # drop messages .drop('belief') # drop old beliefs .withColumnRenamed('newBelief', 'belief') ) # cache new vertices using workaround for SPARK-1334 cachedNewVertices = AM.getCachedDataFrame(newVertices) gx = GraphFrame(cachedNewVertices, gx.edges) # Drop the "color" column from vertices return GraphFrame(gx.vertices.drop('color'), gx.edges)
@staticmethod def _colorGraph(g): """Given a GraphFrame, choose colors for each vertex. No neighboring vertices will share the same color. The number of colors is minimized. This is written specifically for grid graphs. For non-grid graphs, it should be generalized, such as by using a greedy coloring scheme. :param g: Grid graph generated by :meth:`Graphs.gridIsingModel()` :return: Same graph, but with a new vertex column "color" of type Int (0 or 1) """ colorUDF = sqlfunctions.udf(lambda i, j: (i + j) % 2, returnType=types.IntegerType()) v = g.vertices.withColumn('color', colorUDF(sqlfunctions.col('i'), sqlfunctions.col('j'))) return GraphFrame(v, g.edges) @staticmethod def _sigmoid(x): """Numerically stable sigmoid function 1 / (1 + exp(-x))""" if not x: return None if x >= 0: z = math.exp(-x) return 1 / (1 + z) else: z = math.exp(x) return z / (1 + z)
def main(): """Run the belief propagation algorithm for an example problem.""" # setup spark session spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("BeliefPropagation example").getOrCreate() # create graphical model g of size 3 x 3 g = graphframes.examples.Graphs(spark).gridIsingModel(3) print("Original Ising model:") # run BP for 5 iterations numIter = 5 results = BeliefPropagation.runBPwithGraphFrames(g, numIter) # display beliefs beliefs ='id', 'belief') print("Done with BP. Final beliefs after {} iterations:".format(numIter)) spark.stop() if __name__ == '__main__': main()