Source code for graphframes.graphframe

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import sys
if sys.version > '3':
    basestring = str

from pyspark import SparkContext
from pyspark.sql import Column, DataFrame, SparkSession
from pyspark.storagelevel import StorageLevel

from graphframes.lib import Pregel

def _from_java_gf(jgf, spark):
    (internal) creates a python GraphFrame wrapper from a java GraphFrame.

    :param jgf:
    pv = DataFrame(jgf.vertices(), spark)
    pe = DataFrame(jgf.edges(), spark)
    return GraphFrame(pv, pe)

def _java_api(jsc):
    javaClassName = "org.graphframes.GraphFramePythonAPI"
    return jsc._jvm.Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(javaClassName) \

[docs]class GraphFrame(object): """ Represents a graph with vertices and edges stored as DataFrames. :param v: :class:`DataFrame` holding vertex information. Must contain a column named "id" that stores unique vertex IDs. :param e: :class:`DataFrame` holding edge information. Must contain two columns "src" and "dst" storing source vertex IDs and destination vertex IDs of edges, respectively. >>> localVertices = [(1,"A"), (2,"B"), (3, "C")] >>> localEdges = [(1,2,"love"), (2,1,"hate"), (2,3,"follow")] >>> v = spark.createDataFrame(localVertices, ["id", "name"]) >>> e = spark.createDataFrame(localEdges, ["src", "dst", "action"]) >>> g = GraphFrame(v, e) """ def __init__(self, v, e): self._vertices = v self._edges = e self._spark = SparkSession.getActiveSession() self._sc = self._spark._sc self._jvm_gf_api = _java_api(self._sc) self.ID = self._jvm_gf_api.ID() self.SRC = self._jvm_gf_api.SRC() self.DST = self._jvm_gf_api.DST() self._ATTR = self._jvm_gf_api.ATTR() # Check that provided DataFrames contain required columns if self.ID not in v.columns: raise ValueError( "Vertex ID column {} missing from vertex DataFrame, which has columns: {}" .format(self.ID, ",".join(v.columns))) if self.SRC not in e.columns: raise ValueError( "Source vertex ID column {} missing from edge DataFrame, which has columns: {}" .format(self.SRC, ",".join(e.columns))) if self.DST not in e.columns: raise ValueError( "Destination vertex ID column {} missing from edge DataFrame, which has columns: {}" .format(self.DST, ",".join(e.columns))) self._jvm_graph = self._jvm_gf_api.createGraph(v._jdf, e._jdf) @property def vertices(self): """ :class:`DataFrame` holding vertex information, with unique column "id" for vertex IDs. """ return self._vertices @property def edges(self): """ :class:`DataFrame` holding edge information, with unique columns "src" and "dst" storing source vertex IDs and destination vertex IDs of edges, respectively. """ return self._edges def __repr__(self): return self._jvm_graph.toString()
[docs] def cache(self): """ Persist the dataframe representation of vertices and edges of the graph with the default storage level. """ self._jvm_graph.cache() return self
[docs] def persist(self, storageLevel=StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY): """Persist the dataframe representation of vertices and edges of the graph with the given storage level. """ javaStorageLevel = self._sc._getJavaStorageLevel(storageLevel) self._jvm_graph.persist(javaStorageLevel) return self
[docs] def unpersist(self, blocking=False): """Mark the dataframe representation of vertices and edges of the graph as non-persistent, and remove all blocks for it from memory and disk. """ self._jvm_graph.unpersist(blocking) return self
@property def outDegrees(self): """ The out-degree of each vertex in the graph, returned as a DataFrame with two columns: - "id": the ID of the vertex - "outDegree" (integer) storing the out-degree of the vertex Note that vertices with 0 out-edges are not returned in the result. :return: DataFrame with new vertices column "outDegree" """ jdf = self._jvm_graph.outDegrees() return DataFrame(jdf, self._spark) @property def inDegrees(self): """ The in-degree of each vertex in the graph, returned as a DataFame with two columns: - "id": the ID of the vertex - "inDegree" (int) storing the in-degree of the vertex Note that vertices with 0 in-edges are not returned in the result. :return: DataFrame with new vertices column "inDegree" """ jdf = self._jvm_graph.inDegrees() return DataFrame(jdf, self._spark) @property def degrees(self): """ The degree of each vertex in the graph, returned as a DataFrame with two columns: - "id": the ID of the vertex - 'degree' (integer) the degree of the vertex Note that vertices with 0 edges are not returned in the result. :return: DataFrame with new vertices column "degree" """ jdf = self._jvm_graph.degrees() return DataFrame(jdf, self._spark) @property def triplets(self): """ The triplets (source vertex)-[edge]->(destination vertex) for all edges in the graph. Returned as a :class:`DataFrame` with three columns: - "src": source vertex with schema matching 'vertices' - "edge": edge with schema matching 'edges' - 'dst': destination vertex with schema matching 'vertices' :return: DataFrame with columns 'src', 'edge', and 'dst' """ jdf = self._jvm_graph.triplets() return DataFrame(jdf, self._spark) @property def pregel(self): """ Get the :class:`graphframes.lib.Pregel` object for running pregel. See :class:`graphframes.lib.Pregel` for more details. """ return Pregel(self)
[docs] def find(self, pattern): """ Motif finding. See Scala documentation for more details. :param pattern: String describing the motif to search for. :return: DataFrame with one Row for each instance of the motif found """ jdf = self._jvm_graph.find(pattern) return DataFrame(jdf, self._spark)
[docs] def filterVertices(self, condition): """ Filters the vertices based on expression, remove edges containing any dropped vertices. :param condition: String or Column describing the condition expression for filtering. :return: GraphFrame with filtered vertices and edges. """ if isinstance(condition, basestring): jdf = self._jvm_graph.filterVertices(condition) elif isinstance(condition, Column): jdf = self._jvm_graph.filterVertices(condition._jc) else: raise TypeError("condition should be string or Column") return _from_java_gf(jdf, self._spark)
[docs] def filterEdges(self, condition): """ Filters the edges based on expression, keep all vertices. :param condition: String or Column describing the condition expression for filtering. :return: GraphFrame with filtered edges. """ if isinstance(condition, basestring): jdf = self._jvm_graph.filterEdges(condition) elif isinstance(condition, Column): jdf = self._jvm_graph.filterEdges(condition._jc) else: raise TypeError("condition should be string or Column") return _from_java_gf(jdf, self._spark)
[docs] def dropIsolatedVertices(self): """ Drops isolated vertices, vertices are not contained in any edges. :return: GraphFrame with filtered vertices. """ jdf = self._jvm_graph.dropIsolatedVertices() return _from_java_gf(jdf, self._spark)
[docs] def bfs(self, fromExpr, toExpr, edgeFilter=None, maxPathLength=10): """ Breadth-first search (BFS). See Scala documentation for more details. :return: DataFrame with one Row for each shortest path between matching vertices. """ builder = self._jvm_graph.bfs()\ .fromExpr(fromExpr)\ .toExpr(toExpr)\ .maxPathLength(maxPathLength) if edgeFilter is not None: builder.edgeFilter(edgeFilter) jdf = return DataFrame(jdf, self._spark)
[docs] def aggregateMessages(self, aggCol, sendToSrc=None, sendToDst=None): """ Aggregates messages from the neighbours. When specifying the messages and aggregation function, the user may reference columns using the static methods in :class:`graphframes.lib.AggregateMessages`. See Scala documentation for more details. :param aggCol: the requested aggregation output either as :class:`pyspark.sql.Column` or SQL expression string :param sendToSrc: message sent to the source vertex of each triplet either as :class:`pyspark.sql.Column` or SQL expression string (default: None) :param sendToDst: message sent to the destination vertex of each triplet either as :class:`pyspark.sql.Column` or SQL expression string (default: None) :return: DataFrame with columns for the vertex ID and the resulting aggregated message """ # Check that either sendToSrc, sendToDst, or both are provided if sendToSrc is None and sendToDst is None: raise ValueError("Either `sendToSrc`, `sendToDst`, or both have to be provided") builder = self._jvm_graph.aggregateMessages() if sendToSrc is not None: if isinstance(sendToSrc, Column): builder.sendToSrc(sendToSrc._jc) elif isinstance(sendToSrc, basestring): builder.sendToSrc(sendToSrc) else: raise TypeError("Provide message either as `Column` or `str`") if sendToDst is not None: if isinstance(sendToDst, Column): builder.sendToDst(sendToDst._jc) elif isinstance(sendToDst, basestring): builder.sendToDst(sendToDst) else: raise TypeError("Provide message either as `Column` or `str`") if isinstance(aggCol, Column): jdf = builder.agg(aggCol._jc) else: jdf = builder.agg(aggCol) return DataFrame(jdf, self._spark)
# Standard algorithms
[docs] def connectedComponents(self, algorithm = "graphframes", checkpointInterval = 2, broadcastThreshold = 1000000): """ Computes the connected components of the graph. See Scala documentation for more details. :param algorithm: connected components algorithm to use (default: "graphframes") Supported algorithms are "graphframes" and "graphx". :param checkpointInterval: checkpoint interval in terms of number of iterations (default: 2) :param broadcastThreshold: broadcast threshold in propagating component assignments (default: 1000000) :return: DataFrame with new vertices column "component" """ jdf = self._jvm_graph.connectedComponents() \ .setAlgorithm(algorithm) \ .setCheckpointInterval(checkpointInterval) \ .setBroadcastThreshold(broadcastThreshold) \ .run() return DataFrame(jdf, self._spark)
[docs] def labelPropagation(self, maxIter): """ Runs static label propagation for detecting communities in networks. See Scala documentation for more details. :param maxIter: the number of iterations to be performed :return: DataFrame with new vertices column "label" """ jdf = self._jvm_graph.labelPropagation().maxIter(maxIter).run() return DataFrame(jdf, self._spark)
[docs] def pageRank(self, resetProbability = 0.15, sourceId = None, maxIter = None, tol = None): """ Runs the PageRank algorithm on the graph. Note: Exactly one of fixed_num_iter or tolerance must be set. See Scala documentation for more details. :param resetProbability: Probability of resetting to a random vertex. :param sourceId: (optional) the source vertex for a personalized PageRank. :param maxIter: If set, the algorithm is run for a fixed number of iterations. This may not be set if the `tol` parameter is set. :param tol: If set, the algorithm is run until the given tolerance. This may not be set if the `numIter` parameter is set. :return: GraphFrame with new vertices column "pagerank" and new edges column "weight" """ builder = self._jvm_graph.pageRank().resetProbability(resetProbability) if sourceId is not None: builder = builder.sourceId(sourceId) if maxIter is not None: builder = builder.maxIter(maxIter) assert tol is None, "Exactly one of maxIter or tol should be set." else: assert tol is not None, "Exactly one of maxIter or tol should be set." builder = builder.tol(tol) jgf = return _from_java_gf(jgf, self._spark)
[docs] def parallelPersonalizedPageRank(self, resetProbability = 0.15, sourceIds = None, maxIter = None): """ Run the personalized PageRank algorithm on the graph, from the provided list of sources in parallel for a fixed number of iterations. See Scala documentation for more details. :param resetProbability: Probability of resetting to a random vertex :param sourceIds: the source vertices for a personalized PageRank :param maxIter: the fixed number of iterations this algorithm runs :return: GraphFrame with new vertices column "pageranks" and new edges column "weight" """ assert sourceIds is not None and len(sourceIds) > 0, "Source vertices Ids sourceIds must be provided" assert maxIter is not None, "Max number of iterations maxIter must be provided" sourceIds = self._sc._jvm.PythonUtils.toArray(sourceIds) builder = self._jvm_graph.parallelPersonalizedPageRank() builder = builder.resetProbability(resetProbability) builder = builder.sourceIds(sourceIds) builder = builder.maxIter(maxIter) jgf = return _from_java_gf(jgf, self._spark)
[docs] def shortestPaths(self, landmarks): """ Runs the shortest path algorithm from a set of landmark vertices in the graph. See Scala documentation for more details. :param landmarks: a set of one or more landmarks :return: DataFrame with new vertices column "distances" """ jdf = self._jvm_graph.shortestPaths().landmarks(landmarks).run() return DataFrame(jdf, self._spark)
[docs] def stronglyConnectedComponents(self, maxIter): """ Runs the strongly connected components algorithm on this graph. See Scala documentation for more details. :param maxIter: the number of iterations to run :return: DataFrame with new vertex column "component" """ jdf = self._jvm_graph.stronglyConnectedComponents().maxIter(maxIter).run() return DataFrame(jdf, self._spark)
[docs] def svdPlusPlus(self, rank = 10, maxIter = 2, minValue = 0.0, maxValue = 5.0, gamma1 = 0.007, gamma2 = 0.007, gamma6 = 0.005, gamma7 = 0.015): """ Runs the SVD++ algorithm. See Scala documentation for more details. :return: Tuple of DataFrame with new vertex columns storing learned model, and loss value """ # This call is actually useless, because one needs to build the configuration first... builder = self._jvm_graph.svdPlusPlus() builder.rank(rank).maxIter(maxIter).minValue(minValue).maxValue(maxValue) builder.gamma1(gamma1).gamma2(gamma2).gamma6(gamma6).gamma7(gamma7) jdf = loss = builder.loss() v = DataFrame(jdf, self._spark) return (v, loss)
[docs] def triangleCount(self): """ Counts the number of triangles passing through each vertex in this graph. See Scala documentation for more details. :return: DataFrame with new vertex column "count" """ jdf = self._jvm_graph.triangleCount().run() return DataFrame(jdf, self._spark)
def _test(): import doctest import graphframe globs = graphframe.__dict__.copy() globs['sc'] = SparkContext('local[4]', 'PythonTest', batchSize=2) globs['spark'] = SparkSession(globs['sc']).builder.getOrCreate() (failure_count, test_count) = doctest.testmod( globs=globs, optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS | doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE) globs['sc'].stop() if failure_count: exit(-1) if __name__ == "__main__": _test()