package lib

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Type Members

  1. class AggregateMessages extends Arguments with Serializable

    This is a primitive for implementing graph algorithms.

    This is a primitive for implementing graph algorithms. This method aggregates messages from the neighboring edges and vertices of each vertex.

    For each triplet (source vertex, edge, destination vertex) in GraphFrame.triplets, this can send a message to the source and/or destination vertices.

    • AggregateMessages.sendToSrc() sends a message to the source vertex of each triplet
    • AggregateMessages.sendToDst() sends a message to the destination vertex of each triplet
    • AggregateMessages.agg specifies an aggregation function for aggregating the messages sent to each vertex. It also runs the aggregation, computing a DataFrame with one row for each vertex which receives > 0 messages. The DataFrame has 2 columns:
      • vertex column ID (named GraphFrame.ID)
      • aggregate from messages sent to vertex (with the name given to the Column specified in AggregateMessages.agg())

    When specifying the messages and aggregation function, the user may reference columns using:

    Note: If you use this operation to write an iterative algorithm, you may want to use getCachedDataFrame() as a workaround for caching issues.

    1. We can use this function to compute the in-degree of each vertex

      val g: GraphFrame = Graph.textFile("twittergraph")
      val inDeg: DataFrame =
  2. class BFS extends Arguments with Serializable

    Breadth-first search (BFS)

    Breadth-first search (BFS)

    This method returns a DataFrame of valid shortest paths from vertices matching fromExpr to vertices matching toExpr. If multiple paths are valid and have the same length, the DataFrame will return one Row for each path. If no paths are valid, the DataFrame will be empty. Note: "Shortest" means globally shortest path. I.e., if the shortest path between two vertices matching fromExpr and toExpr is length 5 (edges) but no path is shorter than 5, then all paths returned by BFS will have length 5.

    The returned DataFrame will have the following columns:

    • from start vertex of path
    • e[i] edge i in the path, indexed from 0
    • v[i] intermediate vertex i in the path, indexed from 1
    • to end vertex of path Each of these columns is a StructType whose fields are the same as the columns of GraphFrame.vertices or GraphFrame.edges.

    For example, suppose we have a graph g. Say the vertices DataFrame of g has columns "id" and "job", and the edges DataFrame of g has columns "src", "dst", and "relation".

    // Search from vertex "Joe" to find the closet vertices with attribute job = CEO.
    g.bfs(col("id") === "Joe", col("job") === "CEO").run()

    If we found a path of 3 edges, each row would have columns:

    from | e0 | v1 | e1 | v2 | e2 | to

    In the above row, each vertex column (from, v1, v2, to) would have fields "id" and "job" (just like g.vertices). Each edge column (e0, e1, e2) would have fields "src", "dst", and "relation".

    If there are ties, then each of the equal paths will be returned as a separate Row.

    If one or more vertices match both the from and to conditions, then there is a 0-hop path. The returned DataFrame will have the "from" and "to" columns (as above); however, the "from" and "to" columns will be exactly the same. There will be one row for each vertex in GraphFrame.vertices matching both fromExpr and toExpr.


    • fromExpr Spark SQL expression specifying valid starting vertices for the BFS. This condition will be matched against each vertex's id or attributes. To start from a specific vertex, this could be "id = [start vertex id]". To start from multiple valid vertices, this can operate on vertex attributes.
    • toExpr Spark SQL expression specifying valid target vertices for the BFS. This condition will be matched against each vertex's id or attributes.
    • maxPathLength Limit on the length of paths. If no valid paths of length <= maxPathLength are found, then the BFS is terminated. (default = 10)
    • edgeFilter Spark SQL expression specifying edges which may be used in the search. This allows the user to disallow crossing certain edges. Such filters can be applied post-hoc after BFS, run specifying the filter here is more efficient.


    • DataFrame of valid shortest paths found in the BFS
  3. class ConnectedComponents extends Arguments with Logging

    Connected components algorithm.

    Connected components algorithm.

    Computes the connected component membership of each vertex and returns a DataFrame of vertex information with each vertex assigned a component ID.

    The resulting DataFrame contains all the vertex information and one additional column:

    • component (LongType): unique ID for this component
  4. class LabelPropagation extends Arguments

    Run static Label Propagation for detecting communities in networks.

    Run static Label Propagation for detecting communities in networks.

    Each node in the network is initially assigned to its own community. At every iteration, nodes send their community affiliation to all neighbors and update their state to the mode community affiliation of incoming messages.

    LPA is a standard community detection algorithm for graphs. It is very inexpensive computationally, although (1) convergence is not guaranteed and (2) one can end up with trivial solutions (all nodes are identified into a single community).

    The resulting DataFrame contains all the original vertex information and one additional column:

    • label (LongType): label of community affiliation
  5. class PageRank extends Arguments

    PageRank algorithm implementation.

    PageRank algorithm implementation. There are two implementations of PageRank.

    The first one uses the org.apache.spark.graphx.graph interface with aggregateMessages and runs PageRank for a fixed number of iterations. This can be executed by setting maxIter. Conceptually, the algorithm does the following:

    var PR = Array.fill(n)( 1.0 )
    val oldPR = Array.fill(n)( 1.0 )
    for( iter <- 0 until maxIter ) {
      swap(oldPR, PR)
      for( i <- 0 until n ) {
        PR[i] = alpha + (1 - alpha) * inNbrs[i].map(j => oldPR[j] / outDeg[j]).sum

    The second implementation uses the org.apache.spark.graphx.Pregel interface and runs PageRank until convergence and this can be run by setting tol. Conceptually, the algorithm does the following:

    var PR = Array.fill(n)( 1.0 )
    val oldPR = Array.fill(n)( 0.0 )
    while( max(abs(PR - oldPr)) > tol ) {
      swap(oldPR, PR)
      for( i <- 0 until n if abs(PR[i] - oldPR[i]) > tol ) {
        PR[i] = alpha + (1 - \alpha) * inNbrs[i].map(j => oldPR[j] / outDeg[j]).sum

    alpha is the random reset probability (typically 0.15), inNbrs[i] is the set of neighbors which link to i and outDeg[j] is the out degree of vertex j.

    Note that this is not the "normalized" PageRank and as a consequence pages that have no inlinks will have a PageRank of alpha. In particular, the pageranks may have some values greater than 1.

    The resulting vertices DataFrame contains one additional column:

    • pagerank (DoubleType): the pagerank of this vertex

    The resulting edges DataFrame contains one additional column:

    • weight (DoubleType): the normalized weight of this edge after running PageRank
  6. class ParallelPersonalizedPageRank extends Arguments

    Parallel Personalized PageRank algorithm implementation.

    Parallel Personalized PageRank algorithm implementation.

    This implementation uses the standalone GraphFrame interface and runs personalized PageRank in parallel for a fixed number of iterations. This can be run by setting maxIter. The source vertex Ids are set in sourceIds. A simple local implementation of this algorithm is as follows.

    var oldPR = Array.fill(n)( 1.0 )
    val PR = (0 until n).map(i => if sourceIds.contains(i) alpha else 0.0)
    for( iter <- 0 until maxIter ) {
      swap(oldPR, PR)
      for( i <- 0 until n ) {
        PR[i] = (1 - alpha) * inNbrs[i].map(j => oldPR[j] / outDeg[j]).sum
        if (sourceIds.contains(i)) PR[i] += alpha

    alpha is the random reset probability (typically 0.15), inNbrs[i] is the set of neighbors which link to i and outDeg[j] is the out degree of vertex j.

    Note that this is not the "normalized" PageRank and as a consequence pages that have no inlinks will have a PageRank of alpha. In particular, the pageranks may have some values greater than 1.

    The resulting vertices DataFrame contains one additional column:

    • pageranks (VectorType): the pageranks of this vertex from all input source vertices

    The resulting edges DataFrame contains one additional column:

    • weight (DoubleType): the normalized weight of this edge after running PageRank
  7. class Pregel extends AnyRef

    Implements a Pregel-like bulk-synchronous message-passing API based on DataFrame operations.

    Implements a Pregel-like bulk-synchronous message-passing API based on DataFrame operations.

    See Malewicz et al., Pregel: a system for large-scale graph processing for a detailed description of the Pregel algorithm.

    You can construct a Pregel instance using either this constructor or org.graphframes.GraphFrame#pregel, then use builder pattern to describe the operations, and then call run to start a run. It returns a DataFrame of vertices from the last iteration.

    When a run starts, it expands the vertices DataFrame using column expressions defined by withVertexColumn. Those additional vertex properties can be changed during Pregel iterations. In each Pregel iteration, there are three phases:

    • Given each edge triplet, generate messages and specify target vertices to send, described by sendMsgToDst and sendMsgToSrc.
    • Aggregate messages by target vertex IDs, described by aggMsgs.
    • Update additional vertex properties based on aggregated messages and states from previous iteration, described by withVertexColumn.

    Please find what columns you can reference at each phase in the method API docs.

    You can control the number of iterations by setMaxIter and check API docs for advanced controls.

    Example code for Page Rank:

    val edges = ...
    val vertices = GraphFrame.fromEdges(edges).outDegrees.cache()
    val numVertices = vertices.count()
    val graph = GraphFrame(vertices, edges)
    val alpha = 0.15
    val ranks = graph.pregel
      .withVertexColumn("rank", lit(1.0 / numVertices),
        coalesce(Pregel.msg, lit(0.0)) * (1.0 - alpha) + alpha / numVertices)
      .sendMsgToDst(Pregel.src("rank") / Pregel.src("outDegree"))
    See also


    Malewicz et al., Pregel: a system for large-scale graph processing.

  8. class SVDPlusPlus extends Arguments

    Implement SVD++ based on "Factorization Meets the Neighborhood: a Multifaceted Collaborative Filtering Model", available at

    Implement SVD++ based on "Factorization Meets the Neighborhood: a Multifaceted Collaborative Filtering Model", available at

    Note: The status of this algorithm is EXPERIMENTAL. Its API and implementation may be changed in the future.

    The prediction rule is rui = u + bu + bi + qi*(pu + |N(u)|-0.5*sum(y)). See the details on page 6 of the article.

    Configuration parameters: see the description of each parameter in the article.

    Returns a DataFrame with vertex attributes containing the trained model. See the object (static) members for the names of the output columns.

  9. class ShortestPaths extends Arguments

    Computes shortest paths from every vertex to the given set of landmark vertices.

    Computes shortest paths from every vertex to the given set of landmark vertices. Note that this takes edge direction into account.

    The returned DataFrame contains all the original vertex information as well as one additional column:

    • distances (MapType[vertex ID type, IntegerType]): For each vertex v, a map containing the shortest-path distance to each reachable landmark vertex.
  10. class StronglyConnectedComponents extends Arguments

    Compute the strongly connected component (SCC) of each vertex and return a DataFrame with each vertex assigned to the SCC containing that vertex.

    Compute the strongly connected component (SCC) of each vertex and return a DataFrame with each vertex assigned to the SCC containing that vertex.

    The resulting DataFrame contains all the original vertex information and one additional column:

    • component (LongType): unique ID for this component
  11. class TriangleCount extends Arguments

    Computes the number of triangles passing through each vertex.

    Computes the number of triangles passing through each vertex.

    This algorithm ignores edge direction; i.e., all edges are treated as undirected. In a multigraph, duplicate edges will be counted only once.

    Note that this provides the same algorithm as GraphX, but GraphX assumes the user provides a graph in the correct format. In Spark 2.0+, GraphX can automatically canonicalize the graph to put it in this format.

    The returned DataFrame contains all the original vertex information and one additional column:

    • count (LongType): the count of triangles

Value Members

  1. object AggregateMessages extends Logging with Serializable
  2. object ConnectedComponents extends Logging
  3. object Pregel extends Serializable

    Constants and utilities for the Pregel algorithm.

  4. object SVDPlusPlus
